An American Reform, or a Return to Form?

So tonight Americans decide who the most powerful person on the planet will be for the next four years.

Yes it’s the presidential elections, that broken undemocratic system where those citizens of the few swing states who turned out and didn’t vote for some no hope third candidate decide the fate of the most powerful nation on earth.

In case you don’t know, I’m not particularly keen on Americans. The combination of an obscenely large military and what seems to be a wilfully ignorant populace do not inspire confidence, but maybe this time America will prove me wrong as they did four years ago.

I hope they do, I hope I don’t see a return under Romney of the America I despised, rather than an America I merely resent as under Obama.

Because let me be frank here, the prospect of Romney winning scares me. Romney himself doesn’t, oh no, over-privileged corporate puppet he’s merely repulsive, but the Republican Party that pulls his strings, that scares me. Anti-science whether it be evolution or climate change, coupled with an almost fetishistic love for religion makes them open to the worst demands of their rabid base. This is the party that ums and ahs over whether the rapist is the one to condemn, who have trouble noticing that women exist because they’re so concerned with the wellbeing of zygotes. A party that thinks blacks will vote whichever way their pastor tells them because they don’t think for themselves like white Republicans, that decriminalising homosexuality was a mistake and that allowing people to marry who they love will tear American families apart (which now I think about it probably says a fair bit about Republican families).

I can’t believe I’m relying on you, but please America, don’t fuck this one up.

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