Lib Dem Disaster

So Nick Clegg has finally apologised for the hike in tuition fees.

No wait, let’s be accurate about this. He hasn’t apologised for raising the fees, he hasn’t apologised for being corrupted by the inkling of power. He hasn’t apologised for breaking, not just a promise, but his key election pledge. He has apologised for making a pledge that could not be kept.

Too little, too late. If this promise couldn’t be kept why did you make it? Does no one in the Lib Dem party own a calculator? Is the mathematics too difficult for you? Were you just cynical, this is what people will vote for and once we’re in they can’t do anything to us for five years? Or were you just that desperate for a little bit of attention, a little bit of importance, that you’d promise us the earth then make hollow apologies when you realised you couldn’t deliver?

The Liberal Democrats are an embarrassment.

They’ve thrown away every policy they were elected for, so desperate were they to get into Downing Street and start tonguing the Tory’s boots. All they are good for, and I use the word advisedly, is as a scapegoat for the Conservatives. A little sock-puppet to present the illusion of a government that actually has a popular mandate.

If the Lib Dems had any integrity they’d leave the coalition, call a general election and desperately try to salvage whatever dignity they can. But who am I kidding, politicians with integrity, silly idea, silly idea.

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